Scared to sell?

People need what you have. Use this guide to help them know you're the right fit.

15 pages of awesome tools and resources to uplevel your Instagram profile and be seen as an expert in your industry/topic area.

You have a wellness business, you've had clients before, you're ready to go FULL TIME in your business, but you're stuck on how to get the word out.

Maybe you feel hella awkward trying to "sell" your service. Maybe you know nothing about advertising and don't have money to spend to get the word out.

IG can be your best bud! When used authentically, you can be seen as a leader and taken seriously by potential clients. Use this guide to tighten up your IG profile and plan future content!

Table of Contents:

  1. Shift Your (IG) Story Journal Worksheet
  2. IG Goal Setting Sheet
  3. Social Media Content Questionaire
  4. IG Content Checklist
  5. 6 step roadmap to uplevel your IG bio
  6. Weekly Content Planner
  7. IG Mood Board

+ more!

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